Hiroki Shirakawa (please visit his web page at http://www.shirakawas.com) created two tiny walking robots, MedamaOyaji and Gonsuke. Both of them walk by moving their center of gravity over the leg that is forward. Each can be build with Lego Mindstorms Invention System 1.5 and controlled with RCX, though you will have better control with a very simple controller: an other Lego motor. You can also buy a MedamaOyaji Kit here.
As a complement to Hiroki's work, you will find here movies and full building instructions. The only modification I made to the original design was to add "ears" (2x2 corner plate) to MedamaOyaji to prevent his arms from falling backwards.
... and for those wanting to know meaning of the names, here
is an explanation Hiroki gave me: Medama = Eye Gonsuke = name of Japanese man.