Panoramic PhotographyPhoto GalleryLego & PhotographyLego Mindstorms and TechnicMindstorms SensorsMindstorms NXTHome



  Philo's (old) Guest Book

kambiz hazeghi-
23-01-2003 10:05:57
very intresting and particulary instructve. thank you for sharing with others. kambiz

Raphael Schmid-
20-12-2002 21:43:34
Hi Philo, congratulations for your creativity. I adore it. Looking at your site i feel truely inspired. I am a swiss guy living in Lisbon, having a master in brain research, but now occupied with art. Occasionally I sell a few panoramas to portugese web designers. quite nice to survive here. Yet I have a question, I want to shoot some kite-born panos, but i havn't understood quite how the trigger for the camera works. would i be able to build a thing like this? having liddle experience in elecronics? Is there something like a parts list or a "manual" on how to build it? Many thanx if you could help me or give me at least some pointers. Raphael Schmid oh yes, and happy Xmas.

terry surma-
17-11-2002 20:57:12
great site cool items i will visit often terry

Chris Burgess-
10-11-2002 12:07:38
Hello Philo, I saw a post you had put on FreeLug. Did you have any trouble with your PC recognising the cable on your Windows 2000 machine? I cannot get it to see the cable. It works on a Windows 95 (!) PC upstairs, though. Thank you! Chris

david kelm-
28-10-2002 05:12:22
thanks great site. just starting to explore it

20-10-2002 07:40:51
Awesome work. This is my first time seeing 360 panoramic photos on the computer and it is really impressive. I sent you an e-mail explaining how I found your website. No reply is necessary. I just wanted to encourage you to continue the fine work.

Timm Turrentine-
19-10-2002 07:29:40
Thanks! I've recently entered the world of digital imaging, largely with the intention of making panoramic photos. After hand stitching a number of 180 or so degree shots, taken with mild telephoto to reduce distirtion, I'm really thrilled to learn about PanoTools and PtGUI! I stitched my first 360 (still shot at mild tele, I didn't know when I shot the pictures-26 in all) and, largely due to help from you and a few others, it worked! Now to adjust all those frames for color/brightness/contrast.... Thank you again, please keep up the good work. Timm. PS: Has anyone put together a table of correction factors for various 35mm slr lenses? Also, How do I find the nodal point of a lens? I'd like to use my Nikkor 17-35 and save a lot of stitching.

Michael Kirkendall-
12-10-2002 04:00:53
Found you on a search for 950/FCE8 compatibility....homework before purchase.....I have done cylindrical vr's with a Kodak dc 215 12 exposures home made rotater and battery pack. I too am kite lover and realy loved your info concerning such. I was thinking radio control however your solution is brilliant...and much more practical. thank you, thank you thank you for publishing your efforts that all interested could benifit. my "quest" however lies in emulating the vr technique used in the Sydney opera house web-site. a mix of flash and VR ...the best walkthrough example I have yet seen. I hope to someday make vr walkthrough's all comming to that. have you heard of the FC-E8 lens being successful on a higher res camera like the Nikon 5000 for cubic VR? Thanks again for having such wonderfull passions for imersive imaging..... BTW I use quicktime authoring studio to stich is now a little outdated but really intuitive.. God bless and keep you well.

27-09-2002 15:50:50
Votre site semble très intéressant mais existe-t-il en français ? j'ai cru comprendre que vous êtes francais...cela m'arrangerait ! merci

Malijaï Caulet-
15-09-2002 22:33:01
Très beau site, les infos sont très claires mais pourquoi votre site n'est pas aussi en français???

Robert Agnel-
27-08-2002 06:08:46
Great contibutions to the art of VR. May I ask what type of paper did you use to create the panoramic lampshade? Very cool idea. If you would like to virtually visit Ottawa, Canada there are some VR's at

Dani Fuchs-
15-08-2002 13:02:20
Your idea with the virtual tripod enabled me to do this panos: It is just the beginning... Merci beaucoup Daniel

François Mercat-
05-08-2002 14:46:37
What a brand new presentation of your site ! Nice, really ! Just a little improvement to your virtual tripod : I added a compass to the spirit level. It gives you the perfect angle to shot... so, it's really easyer to stitch... Cheap and easy !

Tim Den Hartog-
31-07-2002 20:17:51
Thank you for the great info on your website. I've tried taking pictures with no tripod and I'm going to have to keep practicing. It is harder than it looks. My question: I am in the states where ipix seems to have some silly patent on panoramic picture taking. I'm trying to figure out how I can stay out of trouble but still have 360 degrees around, 180 degrees up and down without a plugin. Any suggestions. As an alternative can I just crop the ceiling and floor out and have 160 degrees or so? I like using the ptviewer applet. I currently use panoweaver to seam the pictures together. I am just getting started in the business and will do between 70 to 100 panos in a year. Even if I'm breaking the law I wonder if ipix will still go after me.

Tom Berger-
14-07-2002 12:30:37
Greetings from Sydney, Australia. You have inspired me with your panoramic tutorials and ideas. Really wonderful stuff. Keep up your excellent work. Cheers, Tom

Shehryar Shaheen-
04-07-2002 15:29:52
I'm impressed! Very Impressive I must say

Norman Arnold-
04-07-2002 11:07:46
The URL is a link to my University project web site. You need QT5 to be able to view the Cubic Pano's on this page. Because not a lot of people have Qtime5 I have decided to redo the web site using PTViewer, but im having a problem. DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO CREATE A HOTSPOT THAT WHEN SELECTED OPENS UP (EITHER A URL OR IMAGE IN DIFFERENT FRAME???) I HAVE MANAGED TO CREATE HOTSPOTS, BUT THEY OPEN IN THE SAME PAGE ON THE BROWSER.... ANY IDEAS Thanks once again Norman

Huynh Quoc Tram-
03-07-2002 09:18:28
I want to make a color sensor.Can you help me?

Irene Asanuma-
01-07-2002 17:43:13
Great. Wonderful works and images.

Chris Shilling-
20-05-2002 23:33:06
Excellent stuff!! Your lego models have inspired me to carry on my own lego model building.

Matt Mckenna-
20-05-2002 19:33:09
since i only have programme 1.5 it would be nice if you could include a programme for brick sorter 3 in 1.5 mode. But it is your choice and don't bother if it will take too much time.

20-05-2002 08:30:51
Great! A very nice homepage there two exciting interests are mixed together. I will return many times.

Alexandre Jenny-
18-05-2002 13:38:24
I'm really impressed by the job done here. The tutorial on Panoramas are really good and well writen. Just keep such good works free. Bravo.

15-05-2002 22:10:18
You have the best Lego Mindstorms website I've ever seen!

Raymond sharp-
11-05-2002 17:32:08
I suggest that you put more than three robots in your book to construct!

27-04-2002 17:49:45

Thore Knels-
17-04-2002 11:28:56
For these Informations I have been locking 2 years ago and now I found what I was locking for. Thanks for sharing your great inventions. Thore

Soumya Mitra-
14-04-2002 21:52:40
Never seen such a innovative site before. Great work. Thanks for sharing all your experiences. Your site indeed roused my interest in Lego Robotic Invention. I am highly impressed.

Rafael Fernández-
11-04-2002 08:17:26
I just can´t believe it!!! I´m so impressed with your work.... Just using Lego you make the same professional work as I do with my Kaidan and Manfrotto equipment. I´ve also been planning to shoot panoramas from up in the sky, but I always thought of using a gigantic ballon filled with gas, as it seems more stable than any other thing. The problem is that at the moment I don´t DARE to put my 1.500€ equipment al 300 meters over my head... It´s lovely to find people like you, so perfectionist, imaginative, and creative, it´s realy been a pleasure to know about your existance. Have a nice life...

10-04-2002 14:53:50
Hi im only 13 but im constantly checking your site for updates and new building instructions. Because i love building lego robots with Mindstorms. Ive already built all of your current projects many times (as i am no good at creating ones myself) But i even try modifying and building thoose new sensers in your site (not that i was very successful) But keep up the good work in your lego building.

Georges Lagarde-
09-04-2002 21:03:36
I found this tutorial about the "curves" command (in Photoshop and elsewhere) : so interesting that je l'ai traduit en français ! Sincerement, cet "essai" m'a appris plein de choses simples et efficaces, alors que j'utilise ces choses depuis plusieurs années (et en plus c'est un admirable exemple de l'art d'expliquer la notion de fonction à des gens que le moindre mot du vocabulaire des maths ferait fuire !). Moralité: if you continue to improve your tutorials about panoramas (and especialy barrel distortion) it could happen to you that vous en trouviez la traduction en français un de ces jours dans votre courrier ! Georges.

Warren Flarity-
30-03-2002 19:24:20
Been shooting panoramas for about 5 years. Started with Nikon ’E' film camera and scanned photos. Currently have Nikon 990 and cp5000. The extra resolution of the cp5000 seems to stitch panoramas better than the 990. Just love you 'virtual tripod'; elegant solution – great ‘thinking out of the box’. Thanks for your web site. Warren

16-03-2002 03:13:03
you have a great homepage it has wonerful info

Douglas Gemmell-
15-03-2002 03:35:15
You have been a great help to me in my endevor to shoot full shperical panoramas. I have done some panoramas using my kodak dc-215 camera which needed 32 shots, but now I have your setup right down to the "L" clamp. I just need to get a little better at it. Thanks for sharing your insite and experience.

austin- No E-mail
14-03-2002 05:09:25
I like Legos aton

ta fille -
13-03-2002 20:03:27
bof bof psg... pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffff de toute facon mon oncle le nordiste tu vaux pas mieux d'abord!!! :o)

le crabe !!!!-
08-03-2002 13:49:58
Salut !!! A bientot Sinon RAS Pour Helene : BOF BOF PSG

Pedro Ortolá-
22-02-2002 22:15:07
Excellent website! It's amazing your passion for Lego & other cool activities. Keep on!

George Campbell-
15-02-2002 02:33:27
Your panoramic photos are wonderful! Thanks for sharing them!!

Aaron Bowen-
14-02-2002 11:15:14
Dear Sir: Greetings! I am a graduate student at the University of Wyoming. At present, I am planning on travelling to London this summer to do research at museums and on-site at various 18th century "Gothic" structures. I want to take spherical panoramas and it was suggestion that I get in contact with you and Professor Helmut Dersch to learn about the software available for such panoramas. How can I obtain this software and who must I contact to purchase it? Any assistance or advice you could offer is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Aaron Bowen Laramie, WY

Dirk Bauwens-
08-02-2002 13:18:31
Hello, I have not much to say: just that I am wonderfully amazed by your abilities and genuine interest to serve in such an idealistic way. I think you will be interested in the stuff on this website (but maybe you know this site already) Greetings from Belgium, Dirk Bauwens

05-02-2002 05:02:25
Hey Philo just checking out your website, looks good. Dont know if you remember me, you help me make my first pano. Philo is it hard to built one of those panobot2? Thanks and have a great day:)

Volker Brehme-
19-01-2002 12:05:21
Hey Philo, You update and redesigned your Homepage. Well done!!!! One year ago first time I come to your website and bookmark it. The pano-info is verry helpfull and I often look if there is something new. I start with panos with a Horizont camera and now I've a Colpix 880 but not yet a fisheye. So long and a nice weekend from Berlin Volker

Jesse Lee-
12-01-2002 09:15:56
Panoramic photos of all 27 world heritage sites in China have been finished by!

Leon Trabachino-
29-12-2001 18:32:29
Phill How long dose it take to stitch a panorama accross the board? I have a sony vio pen 3 128 meg bit Oly E-10 it takes my lap top 45 min is that a long time? Thank You Leon Trabachino

Michael McKelvey-
26-12-2001 13:40:55
This website continues to delight me on each ocassion that I visit it. In many ways this site empitomizes one of the key aspect of the web: ordinary people sharing, knowledge, experience and enthusiams using a medium accessible to all without being inhibited by the expense of so doing or the difficulty in having to physically spread that knowledge. A happy Christmas and New Year from N Ireland Michael

Albert Epple-
23-12-2001 19:45:37
Hello Philip, you seem to be a skilled photographer. I like your page. I am having one problem with my nikon 990: How can I put pictures back on the memory card after I saved them to my computer and erased them from teh card. Example: I want to show my parents some pictures from my summer vacation in winter. how will I get them back on the memory card, so i can attach the camera to their TV and we can watcb the pictures. How to store back the pictures to the camera? Maybe you can give me ome advise. Thank you very much Albert

Thierry Cardineau-
20-12-2001 23:15:21
Bonjour Philippe Un grand merci pour votre site qui m'a permis de commencer à réaliser des panoramiques de qualité & qui est à présent une corde de + à mon arc de photographe. Votre pano de l'intérieur de votre vehicule est tout simplement génial. Il y a apparemment des problemes de liens sur votre page d'exemples car les panos ne se chargent plus.... Cordialement.

Beto Fernandes-
20-12-2001 15:50:52
Congratulations ! It´s a very nice "No Ipix" solution. I was trying your metod (using Photoshop) when this message was shown: "Fisheye lens processing limited to fov <=160" How can I solve this trouble ? Can you help me ? Thank you. Beto

simon maguire-
19-12-2001 03:21:16
Loved the website and your inventiveness. Immediately bookmarked it, will return

13-12-2001 12:23:51
I don't understand about the nqc program why it is related to the light sensor and also the touch sensor? Do you mind to explain it to me! What is the relation with the interfacing circuit. I have try to build and interface it with the GP2D12 but i found out that i am unable to turn on the ztx transistor.When it connect to the IR sensor the voltage drop from 8.8V to 4.4V? Do you think this is becouse related to the nqc program.

Serge Wesoly-
17-11-2001 01:34:54
Hi Phil, your information are very interresant. I'm start in panoramic picture. I come again ...... Serge Wesoly / Cortaillod / Switzerland

Cédric Basso-
15-11-2001 19:01:08
Looking for VR solutions, I found here fantastic ideas. I'd like to put in a special word for the PanoBot : c'est tout simplement diabolique !

Jim Ford-
13-11-2001 21:12:07
Your _first_ attempt at a web page? Brilliant - well designed and full of interesting content! Bookmarked! Regards: Jim Ford

Junkichi Nishide-
11-11-2001 20:33:40
Hello Philo, from Tokyo, I find your Page today and will try to make panorama by your CookBook. When I tried to stitch fishEye images using PTstitcher. I couldn't take result. because, Fov can't set to 180 deg. then I deform fishEye image to rectlinear using PTremap and stitch them with PanoramaFactry v2.4. I am not satisfied with the result but It is on my site. Thank you. Junkichi

rocco- Siffredy
07-11-2001 08:12:34
Very interesting!!! But I Have a problem: I tried your "cookbook approach" but i received this message: "Fisheye lens processing limited to fov ", Can you help me? Thank you. MArco

Steve Parquet-
05-11-2001 03:56:30
Hello again! I've just spent a lot of time on many of your web pages and I must say that I am very impressed with your work. Good job! Of course I really liked your PanoBot and I especially liked your kite cam photos. I'll check the pano head brackets more thoroughly later. I'm checking into upgrading to the Coolpix 5000 for my still and 360 virtual tours that I currently do for Kauai vacation rentals. If you check out the VT's that I do on my and my client's web sites, you will see that they are all java based. They are simple for everyone to see without having to download a viewer. PTViewer and IMove show less warpage of the image than most I have seen and I like them. I don't like the warpage on most viewers and that is also why I use the java script. I am currently stitching multiple photos together that have been taken with a Sony S-70 and Sony's (distorted and very poor quality) 24mm wide angle lens. (No fisheye is available from Sony). Taking and stitching so many photos is too much work and that is why I want to get the Nikon Fisheye along with the 5 megapixel Coolpix 5000. I should have started with the Nikon, but I got the Sony on a lark before I even knew I would be making a business out of photography. Thanks again! I really like your inovation. I bookmarked your site and will return to it later. Steve

04-11-2001 21:07:20

Claire France-
03-11-2001 15:35:13
Hi Philo, I'm just finding my way in the world of immersive panoramas & found your site incredibly useful & informative. Thank you!

02-11-2001 18:39:51
"We are a work in progress" Facinated by your camera abilities and the software you suggest. Can you assist us in a starting point for improving our abilities as well as art attempt. ed c hass

Marco D'Ambrosi-
26-10-2001 14:24:19
Very interesting!!! But I Have a problem: I tried your "cookbook approach" but i received this message: "Fisheye lens processing limited to fov <=160", Can you help me? Thank you. MArco

Howard Maryon-Davis-
19-10-2001 10:36:55
Magnificent! Congratulations on a superb technique I am a photographer in England who has been asked to make panoramas to help to assess the environmental impact of large scale engineering schemes, like windfarms. I will now begin to experiment, using your method. many thanks, Howard

09-10-2001 09:38:54
Hey Philo, Great site....I like it verry much! I'm also playing a bit with my RCX. I find your site verry usefull! I was thinking about things I could do with the RCX..(not seen on other site's)..and was happy to see that all those things CAN be done...becouse you realized them already ; ) Okay...keep on going....and have fun! Ab

Alain Landry-
02-10-2001 02:34:56
Interresting. Good lock. Alain

Klein Michael-
26-09-2001 23:31:52
Hi philo, One of the best and richest sites i have met concerning this topic. congratiolations from vienna!

Paco Lorente-
17-09-2001 23:51:19
Congratulations Philo, your lampshades has been a surprise (like your previous work), a fine work. Tres bien.

17-08-2001 21:33:49
dommage pas traduire in french, especially tips and tricks. nice site of course.

09-08-2001 11:15:26
Vos travaux sont vraiment très interessant pour le débutant que je suis. Votre site est vraiment très bien mais existe t-il une version en Francais ? Continuez de nous apprendre pleins de trucs :))

Timo Tuominen-
03-08-2001 07:58:40
I'm impressed! The most useful panorama site so far! Thanks for all the info!

02-08-2001 19:12:33
Hi Philo, Havent talked to you in a while. e-mail me, got some stuff i want to ask you. Kickboy12

18-07-2001 18:26:09
im trying to get the file ptviewer.class would you be so kind to send it to me? thank you in advance, im alberto from Madrid, spain, im photographer and web designer, trying to build a panoramic visit to my home... than you again

15-07-2001 12:24:15
Félicitations pour toutes les idées et précisions développées dans votre site.

Junji Ikeda-
29-06-2001 07:52:29
Hi Philo, I saw your virtual tripod, I'm using same way too. It gives me really good fisheye picts. But I do not know simple bracket. I will try it. I have home page about CuciicVR, so, I would like to link your page. Is it OK?. Thanks.

19-06-2001 12:00:06
Hi Philo, thank you a lot for the splendid page and information source. And I wish to all no-IPIX patent society. Thomas

Serge Unterreiner-
17-06-2001 20:22:23
Bonjour Monsieur Hurbain, après quelques jours d'absence pour cause de destruction de mon PC pour cause de surtension suite à un orage, je suis à nouveau en mesure de travailler sur mes images 360°. J'ai malheureusement perdu beaucoup de fichier, notamment tous ceux que j'avais archivé en provenance du groupe de discussion qui utilise les logiciels du Dr Dersch ( c'est un coup dur pour le débutant que je suis...) Je vous prie de bien vouloir me renvoyer votre message donnant la marche à suivre ( ou les différentes... ) pour intégrer des images réalisés avec les panotools dans des pages de sites internet. Je vous serais très reconnaissant de m'indiquer des liens vers des " tutorials" traitant de ce sujet. Bien cordialement. Serge Unterreiner

voir e-mail-
31-05-2001 21:47:38
C'est la première fois que je vois des photos fish-eye qui me plaisent vraiment ! Celle que je préfère est celle qui est prise en direction du ciel. suggestions: avoir un angle de prise de vue un peu superieur à 180°, pouvoir faire tourner la vue autour du centre. Dans ce genre de photo la "sky-line" peut être très importante (en plus du ciel). Quand l'apareil est tourné vers le sol on à l'impression (un peu angoissante) d'un univers completement rétréci ... L'équivalent d'un panoramique serait de faire tourner la "boule" autour de son centre (en simulant une photo 360° à partir d'un photos satellite ?). Si vous n'avez pas encore visité: vous allez surement aimer!

20-05-2001 20:06:22
Monsieur Hurbain, je suis heureux de trouver un compatriote qui maitrise les logiciels développés par Helmut Dersch, ainsi que la langue Anglaise. Pour ma part mes connaissances sont très limitées dans les deux domaines ce qui rend mes débuts avec Panotools particulièrement difficiles. J'essaye en vain de réaliser un panoramique 360 à partir de deux images prises avec un objectif 8mm monté sur coolpix. En suivant vos explications façon " cookbook " j'arrive à l'aide de PTGui à définir les points de contrôle et à lancer l'optimiseur. Le résultat que j'arrive ensuite à récupérer dans photoshop est sous la forme suivante : une vue 180° au centre de l'image est un quart de l'autre demi sphère est positionné à chaque coin de la vue présentée dans photoshop. Les différentes portions de l'image ne sont pas accolées mais séparées par un zone transparente ( fond cadrillé ). Ou se situe mon erreur ? Comment démarrer ou lancer l'application PTViewer pour obtenir la vue 360° ? Je vous serais très reconnaissant de bien vouloir m'aider à progresser dans la compréhension et la maitrise de ces logiciels. Cordiales salutations Serge UNTERREINER

Glenn Kelly-
19-05-2001 21:09:09
Philo, Been awhile since I last came to your site (The Brick Sorter). The Wall Follower is awesome!! I started making some sensors a few weeks ago and I can see that I need to add this one to the list of "to build". Thanks! -- Glenn

Jim Jiunde Lee-
10-05-2001 11:25:41
You are so great to share this information. We don't need Ipix anymore.

Steven E. Law-
08-05-2001 02:06:35
I was wondering if you would know how a Lego Rotation Sensor could be interfaced with a different controller. I am using an OOPic and Lego for construction and mechanics. I would like to be able to also use a Lego Rotation Sensor with this, as it would fit nicely into the mechanical portion of the robot. Thanks, Steve

Christian Bécot-
24-04-2001 22:08:21
Félicitations! L'aérophoto avec cerf-volant est une petite communité internationale, avec beaucoup d'amis. Nous serions très heureux de vous rencontrer et voir votre système. Dès à présent, je signale votre site à Peter Bults, et son extraordinaire site Nous étions plusieurs aérophotographes à Berck début avril (français, belges, allemands, hollandais, italiens, et un américain), puis à Chatelaillon, et la semaine prochaine à Outreau, à çoté de Boulogne pour la fête du Cerf-Volant Club de France. Christian

François Mercat-
23-04-2001 13:29:54
Quel plaisir de voir quelqu'un d'aussi fou que moi... de VR... Magnifique, l'idée des photos depuis le cerf-volant. j'avais fait un essai avec des ballons gonflés à l'hydrogène (infructueux, le déclancheur faisait tout bouger)... Ca vaut les micro-panos du site d'Helmut !!! BRAVO, continuez... C'est magnifique !

Joan Rankin-
18-04-2001 22:10:27
Hi Philo, Your site is very interesting. Kaidan was wondering if you were interested in working togething on educating people about this fascinating technology. Perhaps we can get you some of our products to try out. Please check out our website and drop me an email. Thank you!

T Molnar-
15-04-2001 18:41:30
great stuff ...philo. Keep it up

Jason Lee-
26-03-2001 06:49:41
Dear Philo I'm trying to use panorama tool to correct radial distortion. The source image width x, high y, a point P(x1,y1) on it, when I processed this image with phososhop filter:"panorama tools --> correct --> radial shift". And then I got the corrected image, the point P shift to it's new position Q(x2,y2) r_src ={[x1-(x/2)]^2+[y1-(y/2)]^2}^0.5 / (x/2) ---(1) r_dest={[x2-(x/2)]^2+[y2-(y/20]^2}^0.5 / (x/2) ---(2) by the panorama tool, the relationship of r_src and r_dest is the equation: r_src = ( a * r_dest^3 + b * r_dest^2 + c * r_dest + d ) * r_dest ---(3) I don't know x2=? y2=? when I use (1) and (2) to substitute r_src and r_dest in (3), the equation became very complex. I need a coordinate transform equation, use a,b,c,d,x,y,x1,y1,p to express x2,y2. Could you help me? Best Regards, Jason Lee

Steve Dawson-
17-03-2001 02:06:28
Glad I found your site-what a wealth of easily understood information. Cannot wait to try the Virtual Tripod.

15-03-2001 07:31:39
Bravo pour votre travail, j'ai découvert PTools en février et je ne parviens toujours pas à des panos de bonne qualité (toujours au moins 2 images qui ne 'collent' pas !) Le panorama que vous avez pris du cerf-volant est réellement MAGIQUE ! Peut-être que moi aussi, un jour....

Dave Suwala-
08-03-2001 17:11:35
Philo, Your web site is brilliant. I can't wait to come back and explore it fully. I just looked it up in my dictionary. The word is gedakenwelt in German, i.e., a world of good ideas!

Fritz Neumann-
07-03-2001 16:42:26
Fritz Neumann, Vienna Hello Philippe! First of all congratulation for your really interesting homepage. I visited it already several times and learned a quantity from it. I suppose you are already busy since a longer time with the photografie and in the special with the panorama technique. If you permit i have a little question to this topic. Is it actually permitted, with wide angle objectives to make panorama pictures for Internet without the licensregulation of the company IPIX to hurt? I heard over it nothing good storys and would like to know whether with application at the current point in time a license violation is given to a free software (for example Panotools, of Helmut Dersch). If I do not strain too much your time, please describe me in some words the situation. Thank you very much e-mail:

Jesse Lee-
01-03-2001 16:19:56
What a wonderful cookbook! It's the one I have been looking for !

Sven Moritz Hein-
26-02-2001 09:06:16
You've got a very nice website - Sven M.

18-02-2001 10:52:55
Hi Philo, really nice pages and a lot of usefull information. Thank You and have a good luck :) Thomas

16-02-2001 13:58:36
My name is Stefano and I'm writing from Florence, Italy. I'm using PanoTool and I found your Internet Site very usefull and rich of information about 360x180. When I'll have more familiarity with PanoTool and I'll have made a lot of 360x180 images I hope to be able to send you everything I'll think whoud be usefull to you and to all the people interested of this peculiar image sticking techniques. At the moment I colud only thank you for your effort to disclose what you know about "spherical images". Ciao, Stefano.

Sam Churchill-
15-02-2001 03:49:43
I don't think I've ever seen so many original ideas put together so well. Your intelligence, creativity and helpfulness is an inspiration! Thank you for creating this public work of art.

Dave Walthart-
01-02-2001 22:33:02
not really a comment, but a request for help. I tried to download panotools from Helmut's site but I'm missing the dll file to open the executables. The zip file is 412kb. Did I screw up? Can you email me the file or give me a clue? Help!

30-01-2001 22:00:25
Great brick mixer!!

Glenn Kelly-
23-01-2001 14:53:10
Philo, I plan to come back when I have more time to read through everything; but before leaving, I wanted to say that I think this site contains some very interesting ideas of how to use LEGO Mindscape for things other than wheeled robots. I especially liked the Card Reader idea! -- Glenn

Leigh Whittemore-
19-01-2001 20:35:48
Phil, Great concepts, combining Coolpix with an RCX! I have printed out lots of stuff to share with my 10-year old Mindstorms fanatic (who is also into digital photography!) Leigh

Joost Nieuwenhuijse-
15-01-2001 23:33:50
Hi Philo! I see your colour printer has been fixed, congratulations.. You just got me back to my kindergarten days, folding Philospheres :-) They are great! Cheers, Joost

Peter Bults-
02-01-2001 00:31:36
This stuff might inspire KAPers to go on!

Helmut Dersch-
21-12-2000 11:14:27
Hi Philo, Just visited and enjoyed your kite-panos. Very impressive indeed! Regards, and happy holidays Helmut Dersch

Philippe LAINÉ-
http://pour bientôt
15-12-2000 22:35:21
Bravo ! Conçis, didactique, éclairant par rapport aux infos que je glane depuis 3 mois sur cette "talk-list". J'ai tout compris à la première lecture. Juste un petit doute sur la rigidité du support du niveau; ne vaut-il mieux pas une tôle d'alu de la même épaisseur? Cette technique à 3 prises de vues détourne-t-elle de manière satisfaisante la technologie et la main-mise (désagréable) de Ipix ? Ce fish eye est-il spécifique de Coolpix ou fonctionne-t-il aussi avec un Kodak DC290 ? Est-il ce que l'on trouve de mieux sur le marché? Merci pour la richesse des infos développés autour du sujet.

Furkan Ozcan-
15-12-2000 20:53:45
Your site has been really helpful and informing for us to create panoramic images. Thanks a lot. (The panobot is great!!! :O)

hyunwoo ryu-
11-12-2000 10:15:44
Hello Mr.Philo another question.....(-_-;)...sorry.... what do you mean script file(y,p,r)? how calculation script file(y,p,r)? script file(y,p,r) will very important factor...... I want to hear your opinion.... p.s:your answer->thank you very much!!

Aaron Spence-
02-12-2000 07:25:29
Philo, your website has been extremely helpful to me. You're a clever guy. We've made up a bracket for our tripod as you described and are very pleased with it. We're also using ptgui and, like you, find it very handy. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Your kite images are brilliant, keep up the great work.

hyunwoo ryu-
01-12-2000 08:07:50 more question.. where is photoshop filter-panorama tools? (-_-;)

hyunwoo ryu-
01-12-2000 07:55:31
hello! my name is hyunwoo ryu. there is ONE question. i hope that make virtual reality(VR)with two fisheye picture. please...give me sample. p.s:i don't well writing, reading and speaking.... but do my best writed...(^_^)

Barry Herrington-
29-11-2000 15:28:31
Thank you for your common sence approach tutorials. Your articles have been very imforming and down to earth. Barry and Tina Herrington

John Matchett-
20-11-2000 18:08:38
Useful Page, Thanks. Do you know the HFOV's for the Nikon 990 fisheye and Wideangle converters. If so make my day and e-mail me. Cheers John Matchett

18-11-2000 19:31:15
I think it is pretty cool that you where able to make somthing so interesting, and so high-tech. I don't have a Lego Mindstorm but I might get one for X-Mas, if I do it will be Vison Command. I don't have a web page yet it might be awhile til I do ( mostly beacuse I am only 11 and will be 12 December 30,2000). The whole reason I am so interested in Lego Mindstorm is well beacause I am into technology and computers, and beacause how we ( humans, or, Homo sapiens) firgured out how to do all these cool stuff, like go to space the moon and all that stuff. It seems like you are the same way but more into electricity and how it works, well I am studying all that in sicence class, sience of course is my favorite subject. The person you don't know til now, Kickboy11 P.S. I hpe you like my comments and will send me an e-mail.

Tim Hurd-
17-11-2000 22:57:23
What a wonderful web site with so many clever and imaginative inventions! I found my way to it though Coolpix and PT tools links - - and then discovered the fantastic Lego items, the glimpses of France, Paris and vinyards, and even the distinguished professors around a cafe table, like an updated Manet, one might say! Thank you for creating this marvelous place and best wishes to you, your family and your colleagues.

17-11-2000 20:58:55
I would like to talk or type to you.

16-11-2000 22:48:59
I have a robotic lego arm and then I built tracks and conected it to the arm.

Pierre Strock-
16-11-2000 17:58:19
Superbe site! J'ai déjà placé le panoramique intérieur de Ch... en fond d'écran. On à l'impréssion d'avoir une caméra sur place, et c'est très joli. Merci Philippe. Grosses bises. Pierre Strock

Sheldon Charron-
15-11-2000 03:40:04
I love your panobot! I have struggled with panotools before, but you make it look easy. I certainly found it easier to do outside shots, but they all were hard for me. I use a nikon 950 and fisheye lens. Perhaps I'll have to try the new version of the software. Great to see some is having success with it using the same equipment I have. It's a good motivator! Later, Sheldon Charron, Manitoba, Canada

Tom Striewisch-
31-10-2000 17:34:22
Your virtual tripod ist a very clever and smart idea.

26-10-2000 16:27:56
Philo, you´re doing great stuff. Thank`s alot!!!! And go on ... Yours frank

Brian Harney-
25-10-2000 16:12:19
Philo, Great stuff you are doing. Hope to explore this more soon. Take a look at my friend's site, here in Kentucky, USA. Brian

Alexey Trusov-
19-10-2000 12:57:41
I have received the large pleasure from review of your site. Also has found a lot of useful and interesting to itself. Thank! With best regards from Russia

Richard Gibson-
18-10-2000 23:54:19
I've enjoyed your site, pictures and tips. Let's hope IPIX goes bankrupt. By the way I can't get PTGUI to work at all. Keep getting black, not blank, images for everything. It' supposed to be idiot proof...guess I'm the idiot?!?

Dave Albright-
18-10-2000 17:26:31
Truely exciting page Philo. Learned alot from your tutorial. Not sure if I would have trusted my 950 or 990 with a Kite. Lego's pages are truely inventive stuff.

10-10-2000 03:51:08
You're crazy, you know that? Putting a digital camera on a kite. Sheesh! What next? Now you've got me wanting to do the same thing....

Robert Jeantet-
09-10-2000 04:03:39
Super, vos pages! Dommage qu'elles ne soient pas aussi en français... though your English is fine. I've been making some spherical images with 4 images...I'll have to try your method one of these days. May I put a link to your website on my panoramas page?

Chris Dickman-
30-09-2000 19:39:40
I just wanted to thank you for your detailed instructions for building the caterpiller -- my nine year old son and I built it with no problem and it was a great project. Regards Chris Dickman Lyon, France

Cristobal Vila-
28-09-2000 00:40:46
I'm interest on 3D work & matte paintings, and your explanations are very useful to get enviroment reflections. Thank you very much, Philippe. Cristobal Vila P.D.If you want see more of my work go to

Philipp Salzgeber-
22-09-2000 20:23:40
I love the Kite Panorama idea, I don´t have a kite big enough but even normal kite photography has intrigued me for some time and a Kite Panorama set-up is now on my that-would-be-cool list. Great site, great tutorials, great panos. I would have loved to be in Paris for the Immersive Dinner (Lunch?)! With best regards from Austria

22-09-2000 11:19:20
The photo from the Paris meeting is amazing. I would like to use this photo, could you mail me regarding whether or not this is okay? Again the work is amazing, the quality astounding, and the fact you haven't earned a centimme from it unbelievable. Slainte from Ireland Michael

Paul Ladd-
08-09-2000 03:31:22
Phil: VERY good stuff. I really enjoyed your work and have saved the page for further reading and thinking. I have been struggling with some of the issues which you have resolved nicely. I've been toying with aerial pans for 20 years off and on, having flown a number of flights in a 2 person ultralight with 2 wideluxes sie by side as an example of an early approach. More recently, I've been working on 3D pans using a combination of stitching and other software. Please drop me a line as we should share ideas. Regards, Paul Ladd

Michael McMullen-
26-08-2000 14:17:11
Enjoyed your site, you obviously put some work into it. I wanted to try the pixel picker applet but alas the link seems to be dead. If you have the file could/would you attach and e-mail me. Nice Job Thank You

26-08-2000 00:03:28
Amazing and and quick Philo smart touch!!!

23-08-2000 08:26:14
Thank you for taking the time to produce this informative and quite creative site.

19-08-2000 16:25:18
I enjoy this page greatly, the kite panoramas are amazing. If I and others sent say $5 through the mail individually would you considering registering a domain name for the site and getting it hosted professionally? regards Michael

Slobodan (Boba) Vujinovic -
11-08-2000 21:48:24
Hey Philo, I have never spent so much time on any web site . . . The Highligts are: Panobot - Mega stuff and Yourself waiting for lunch Man - this is Educational, Funny and Imaginative - in short very Cool stuff. Regards BoBa

Slobodan (Boba) Vujinovic -
11-08-2000 20:56:34
Hello Philo, I have just bought Coolpix990 + Fisheye lens Inspired with your photos. After first try my garden looked a little bit Psyhodelic but - With the help document from Your site I will get some nice panoramas to join master club. Thank you again for sharing the knowledge. Regards BoBa

Andreas PETER-
05-08-2000 09:00:39
Hello Philo's, I was back on your page again, and again I am very impressed by the amount of information and contents on your pages. To let your equipment rise up in the sky is realy fantastic. Thanks for the nice images you published here. If u finde the time, have a look on a new Allgaeu panaorama on my site: see u ...

Shinya Ikebe-
29-07-2000 15:37:08
"virtual tripod" is nice idea ! Please visit my panorama page.

29-07-2000 06:10:16
the robots are awsome

philip- saltonstall
28-07-2000 15:29:23
philo, just stumbled across your terriffic site. The panobot is extremely cool. Do you have any ideas for alternative remote triggering of trhe coolpix 990. The Nikon rep at the recent Macworld show hinted that there may actually be a release of some sort of "remote" in the near future. I would love to be able to use my pocket wizard or quantum radio slave with it, as i do with my other cameras. Whatever, congrats on a terrific site. I N S P I R I N G !!!!! cheers, phil

Victor Newman-
18-07-2000 01:39:25
Hi Philo, I found this from your postings in the panorama mailing list. Nice, simple web site. I have learned from it. Please keep it up Victor Newman

09-07-2000 17:02:35
Kite aerial panoramas are fantastic! I could not guess how to make them until Philo showed the trick!

Chet Rhodes-
07-07-2000 22:40:12
Great Idea!

Ben Kreunen-
28-06-2000 17:57:44
Hi Philo Love the panoramas and the lateral thinking behind your methods of shooting. Looks like you're about to get a lot more visitors from the panoramic photography club... I look forward to hopefully reading about your kite panoramas. Keep up the good work Ben

26-06-2000 22:09:31
Philo, you're a genius! Especially 'me and myself waiting for lunch' :-) :-). Now where's the explanation on the parachute panorama's?

David Nelson-
15-06-2000 23:20:19
Spent the better part of the day with our new coolpix990 and your great website. Then to see you enjoy legos gave me great joy. Thanks for the very practicle advise. keep up the good work Dave Nelson

Carel Roovers-
13-06-2000 10:43:57
Very impressed by your skills, keep up the good work.

brian quinn-
09-06-2000 03:18:25
loved your card reader etc, how about several light sensors with filters and a rod that pushes the detected colours off the conveyor down the appropriate chute. I got my mindstorms last week for my 50th birthday!

Marc-André Dabat-
08-06-2000 11:50:01
i work for more than 20 years with fish eye photographics an computer tools. I discover works of Helmut Dersch and it's through one of its links i arrive here.

06-06-2000 17:56:25
V. interested in Panoramas. Philo's website is first homebrew I've seen - esp. Nikon/fisheye/Win98 stitching. BUT - I've yet to purchase first DigiCam. Photos and (future) software to be used with Macintosh G3/400. Have VirtualPC's Win98 installed. May have to split software and effort across two operating systems! (UGH!!) DIGICAMS - Casio QV-3000: offset tripod mount, little Mac Pano software, offers built-in Pano aid. Nikon 990 - Same but no built-in Pano aid. PanTips - see EHamner

Bill Bates-
30-05-2000 22:00:28
Thank you very much for the very fine information on your site. I have been stuggling to build 360 x 360 panos with the Nikon 950 for about 3 months now. Following your instructions I successfully my first 'flat' pano! There are no seams, no ugly color shifts, WOW!

Piero Miceu-
30-05-2000 21:39:03
I must thank you sincerely for the splendid tutorial, very clear and complete. I just now followed it and completed my first spheric panorama, you can see the result here: (LivePicture plugin - click on third icon). The camera is a CoolPix 990 Fisheye fresh from store!: my inexperience in digital photo is the cause of some overexposures and other defects. Le panorama montre l'atelier de notre firme, je regrette q'on ne peut pas voire la mere adriatique dans le fenetres brulees de lumière. Si vous passez a Trieste quelque fois, n'oubliez pas de passer chez nous pour voir le vrai panorama. Piero Miceu Arsenal srl

Michael Fousie-
30-05-2000 10:46:11
Thanks Philo! Your site was just what I needed to learn PanoTools. Your technique with the virtual tripod has made the process of making spherical panoramas very clean with little retouching. Your Lego Pan head is incredible. mike

Jook Leung-
15-05-2000 20:02:15
Thanks for providing all your time and effort is making this cookbook tutorial available for all. I hope to follow your instructions.

Toni Garbasso-
11-05-2000 18:13:33
Well Philo, your site is nice and 'fluent', I'm just surprise that you do not put the panos as virtual tours, qtvr or with Java Dersh'applets. Think I have to come to Paris soon. Nice night viewing! Is taking panos your hobby? Toni (living in Rome, but ignoring french, what a mess!)

Tetsuya UWAI-
10-05-2000 14:47:43
It's a good idea! I always did by freehand. Please visit my page, and advise me if any.

cyrille(oui celui qui etait en MPSI avec isa)-
29-04-2000 14:07:32
c'est vrai c'est le site le plus rapide que j'ai vu. par contre j'ai beau etre un matheux mais j'aime bien le français!! ce qui m'interesse c'est la photo panoramique!(c'est super de faire des paysages en ""3D"" avec des photo) isa m'a passer le .pan de sa chambre et je cherche un moyen de le regarder correctement (le lien sur le site allemand est assez moyen) et j'ai pas trouvé

18-04-2000 19:45:28
This is a brilliant site. Those of interested in such things would love to know more about how you used Professor Dersch's software to make your panoramas Regards and good luck Michael


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