LEGO® Train Motors comparison After testing the Power Functions train motor and seeing its improved characteristics compared to the RC train motor, it was time to do an application specific test! A NXT with Mindsensors PowerMeter sensor can be put on a train and monitor motor power consumption as it runs along the track. This photo shows the train with power monitoring equipment. The track itself is a simple oval, with one of the curves raised (8 plates). Track length, measured in the middle, is about 3.45m. The tests were performed with two train lengths. The first is a lightly loaded train (just the three measurement cars). The second test adds two cars for more strain on the motor. As the train runs, the NXT logs time, voltage, current and rotation sensor ticks. From these values an Excel spreadsheet derives travelled distance, train speed, instantaneous power and energy consumed. Three car train test You may download the test results Excel spreadsheet here.
The table above summarizes the results. All the values are computed on one full lap.
Five car train test You may download the test results Excel spreadsheet here.
The table above summarizes the results. All the values are computed on one full lap. This time I performed a 4th test, with a reduced voltage on PF train. PF performance is still better than the other motors at a higher voltage, but power consumption is significantly lower. The increased load emphasizes the differences between motors.
Data logging The first logs I made with the PowerMeter showed weird spikes (see chart below) in voltage and current readings. Of course some noise is expected, but these spikes were highly improbable!. Then I noticed that the erroneous values occurred mainly when the expected value was near a multiple of 256. This makes me think (I may be wrong!) that this kind of error may occur if the processor inside the sensor updates the values during the time NXT reads high and low order bytes of the value. Anyway, I solved the problem by discarding values that are too far away from previously read values.