Ytruder, LDraw extruder

Ytruder utility
creates a sheet of triangle and quads from a set of lines. This
is done by extrusion in the specified LDraw direction. Though
somewhat similar to Coverer it
has a few other possibilities, such as the capability to handle
several distinct paths of lines at the same time. The set of
lines is provided to the utility as a LDraw file. A second file
containing the surface (and its fixed and conditional lines)
is created.
Name comes from initial version that worked
only in Y direction...
It is a simple console application, source code
is provided below to anyone willing to integrate it in a more
palatable interface. You may also use Michael Heidemann LETGUI front-end (highly recommended!).
Ytruder package,
including program for Windows, documentation, source files
(Visual C++ 6.0), sample files.
Note: Macintosh version (universal binary) courtesy of
Jim DeVona.

V1.0: Initial release
V1.1: Improved file output format
(July 2008)
V1.2: Added command line switches
allowing to work in any Y, Y or Z direction.
V1.3: Added radial distance mode (April
V1.4: Corrected a command line parsing
bug. (Oct. 2009)
Prepare the input LDraw files. Ytruder uses only lines
of input files (line type 2). Other LDraw line types are
ignored. If you want to compute surface between edge primitives,
they must be inlined down to lines. LDDesignPad
does this very conveniently.
Launch a command prompt
Type the command line: ytruder [-d
or -s or -p or -r <val>] [-x, -y or -z] [-a <angle>]
LdrawLineFile LdrawSurfaceFileOut. Ytruder
will create LdrawSurfaceFileOut, containing the surface.
Note that if file LdrawSurfaceFileOut exists it will be
overwritten without warning. -x, y and -z control the direction
of operation. -d, -s, -p, -r and -a are optional parameters
controlling the behavior of Ytruder
These options will be detailed below.
outputs file with 6 digits after decimal point, this precision
is excessive for most usages and values should be rounded.
Here again, LDDesignPad
does that very well.
Here is a screen shot of a sample run:

How Ytruder
- Input file is read and parsed. All line apexes are stored
in an array (limited to 1000 lines, should be more than
- Lines are scanned to find the start of a path (a path
is defined as consecutive lines whose ends are "close
- Path is explored from start to end, creating surfaces
and conditional lines in the process, they are stored in
arrays. The orientation of surfaces is maintained along
a path, easing building of BFC conformant parts.
- Each surface is built over a line in the path and on
a second one, obtained from the first depending on parameter:
- -d <val>:
Line is translated by distance <val> in direction
X, Y or Z depending on the specified -x,
-y or -z
parameter (-y is the
- -s <val>:
Second line is obtained by symmetry across plane X,
Y or Z=<val>. Ytruder
default is symmetry across plane Y=0.
- -p <val>:
Second line is obtained by projection on plane X, Y
or Z=<Yval>
- -p <val>:
Second line is obtained by radial extrusion by distance=<Yval>
from direction axis
- Lines are added at the start and end of each path. Line
array is scanned for yet unused line paths.
- Output file is written. During this process
- Quads that have 2 identical apexes are transformed
into triangles, degenerated quads and conditional lines
are suppressed.
- Conditional lines that are between two surfaces
with an angle above -a <angle>
threshold are converted to simple lines. Ytruder
default is a 30° threshold.

Parallel extrusion. Files: ytline.dat
--> ytsurf-d6.dat
Command line: Ytruder -d 6 ytline.dat ytsurf-d6.dat |

Symmetrical extrusion.
Files: ytline.dat --> ytsurf-s0.dat
Command line: Ytruder -s 0 ytline.dat ytsurf-s0.dat
or Ytruder.exe ytline.dat ytsurf-s0.dat (-s 0 is the default) |

Projection extrusion.
Files: ytline.dat --> ytsurf-p0.dat
Command line: Ytruder -p 0 ytline.dat ytsurf-p0.dat |

Radial extrusion.
Files: spiral.dat --> screw.dat
Command line: Ytruder -r 5 spiral.dat screw.dat |

With angle threshold set to 0°, a fixed
line is created at each surface junction.
Files: ytline.dat --> ytsurf-s0a0.dat
Command line: Ytruder -s 0 -a 0 ytline.dat ytsurf-s0a0.dat |

With angle threshold set to 180°, only
conditional lines are created at each surface
junction. Files: ytline.dat --> ytsurf-s0a180.dat
Command line: Ytruder -s 0 -a 180 ytline.dat ytsurf-s0a180.dat |

A real life example, from the NXT engraved
lettering I created recently using Ytruder.
Files: usbline.dat --> usbside.dat
Command line: Ytruder -d 0.5 usbline.dat usbside.dat |
The result, after
addition of top and bottom surfaces. The method
used is detailed in this tutorial
(file usb-final.dat)

Another part section, tip of
Building this part is detailed in this tutorial:
shapes with Quad2Dat, Edger and Ytruder
