Compute the intersection line of two LDraw surfaces. |

Creates a sheet of triangle and quads between
two sets of lines

Cuts a LDraw surface along the intersection with

This tools helps you verify that all quads of
a part file are planar enough to fulfill LDraw.org
Parts Tracker requirements. Also allows easy splitting
of warped quads into two triangles. |

Creates a sheet of triangle and quads from a
set of lines by straight extrusion. |

Create a surface by extrusion of a shape along
a path. |

Stamp a flat pattern over a LDraw 3D former.

LDraw to Quad2Dat converter (tool written by
J.C. Tchang). |

A LDraw file optimizer. |

Edger 2
A LDraw line adder tool that automatically creates
conditional lines and edge lines.
Can also be used as an inliner and as a T-junction
checker. |

LDraw measuring tools
For parts authors, a set of do-it-yourself measuring
instruments to directly measure parts in LDraw units. |

Slice a flat pattern along the edges of a LDraw
3D former, then stamp it onto this former |

Rings and Cones
Program written by Niels Karsdorp,
hosted here with his authorization. 'Rings and Cones'
is a stand-alone application to help LDraw part
authors to find multiple rings or cones that make
up a single ring or cone with a given inner and
outer radius. |

SymSplitter is the
tool of choice when you want to exploit symmetries
in a LDraw file to reduce its size. You may use
it to separate left/right/middle parts, cut parts
by planes, and adjust vertices coordinates to make
sure they lie precisely in symmetry planes. |

Unificator merges
together nearby vertices in LDraw files, and snaps
triangle/quads onto primitives/subfiles. |

Selector utility
allows to select surface elements by extending a
key-colored surface to its neighbours. Edge lines
or conditional lines enclosed or bordering selection
can be selected too. |