a LDraw stamping tool
I have created a new tool, SlicerPro, that not only does the projection but
also slices the pattern along the edges of the former polygons.
No more tedious careful manual alignment!
Projector utility
allows to stamp a flat pattern over a 3D former. Each set is
provided to the utility as separate LDraw files. A third file
containing the raised pattern is created.
It is a simple console application, source code
is provided below to anyone willing to integrate it in a more
palatable user interface.
package, including program for Windows, documentation,
source files (Visual C++ 6.0), sample files.
Prepare the input LDraw pattern file.
Pattern file may contain lines, triangles and quads, as
well as flat primitives (see details below). Other LDraw
line types are ignored. For good results, each projected
element as well as its origin must reside entirely onto
a single triangle/quad of former shape. Stamping occurs
in Y direction, which means that the pattern file must be
in X-Z plane.
The 3D former file only deals with
triangle and quads. Primitives must be inlined down to tri/quads.
LDDesignPad does
this very conveniently. Other LDraw line types are ignored.
Stamping occurs in Y direction, which means that the 3D
form must be mostly in X-Z plane.
Launch a command prompt
Type the command line: projector LdrawPatternFile
Ldraw3DFile Ldraw3DPatternFileOut. Projector
will create Ldraw3DPatternFileOut, containing the raised
pattern surface. Note that if file Ldraw3DPatternFileOut
exists it will be overwritten without warning.
outputs file with 6 digits after decimal point, this precision
is excessive for most usages and values should be rounded.
Here again, LDDesignPad
does that very well.
Here is a screen shot of a sample run:
How Projector
- 3D former file is read and parsed. Triangles and quads
expanded to triangles are stored in arrays (limited to 1000
lines, should be more than enough!).
- Pattern file is then processed one line at a time. For
each apex of lines/triangles/quads, y coordinate of the
3D former at (x,z) point is calculated. (x,y,z) is then
the 3D coordinate of the resulting apex. For primitives,
projection of the primitive origin is calculated. Orientation
of the 3D file facet that contains the projected origin
is then used to construct the transformation matrix of the
projected primitive. This is meaningful only for flat primitives
that extend in x-z plane. It is the case of all disc, ndisc
and ring primitives.
Note that if a 3D former facet
doesn't exist under a pattern point, this point will get
(x,0,z) coordinates.
- Transformed lines are written one at a time in the output
Example: building
a Viking shield
3960s03, that contains the front of the shield,
is inlined and cleaned up with LDDP to obtain 3D.dat
files: 3960s03.dat, 3D.dat |
Using MLCad, 3D file is flattened. Hires primitives
(whose resolution match 3960 one) are drawn for
the shield circles. This allow neat drawing. These
primitives are then inlined with LDDP.
file: shield1.dat |
This LDraw file is converted to Quad2Dat format
using Dat2QP.
We then open this file in Quad2Dat and draw the
four rivets (actually I created only 1/2 rivet with
Quad2Dat and duplicated the result with MLCad, then
converted again the final file with Dat2QP). We
obtain a template file which will be used with the
4 different Viking shields.
Command line: Dat2QP shield1.dat shield1.qp
files: shield1.qp, shield-template.qp |
Now begins the tedious part. Each blank facet
of the original template must be replaced with the
polygons forming the original pattern. As each polygon
in the pattern will be projected on a facet of the
underlying former, it must be completely enclosed
in a single template facet. Note that red is used
instead of dark red here: Quad2dat exports "complex"
colors as separate LDraw files, which is not very
convenient. Global color replacement will fix that
later. |
Especially, one must use the "Along line"
feature of Quad2dat to align pattern vertices with
edges of template facets. Don't rely on eye to place
vertices on edge, that would result in warped quads,
holes in pattern, overlaps...
After the loooonnng manual vectorisation process,
we obtain the final pattern...
file: shieldpatternflat.qp |
We now export the result in LDraw format. Some
quads of the original pattern were not removed and
they overlap pattern, this is cleaned by duplication/rotation
using MLCad of some correct quads done with Quad2Dat.
file: shieldpatternflat.dat |
Flat pattern is now stamped on the former, using
Command line: Projector shieldpatternflat.dat 3D.dat shieldpattern3d.dat
file: shieldpattern3d.dat |
To keep file size low, the pattern is separated
into subparts, using color selection in MLCad. At
the same time red color that was used during the
vectorisation is replaced with dark red, and grey
is changed into silver.
file: 3960p07b.dat |
The second subpart, shared with other Vikink
shields. This subpart also contains conditional
lines extracted from original shield design.
file: 3960p07a.dat |
Here is the final result, the completed shield.
file: 3960p07.dat |