split LDraw files along their symmetry planes (and more!)

is the tool of choice when you want to exploit symmetries in
a LDraw file to reduce its size. You may use it to separate
left/right/middle parts, cut parts by planes, and adjust vertices
coordinates to make sure they lie precisely in plane.
It is a simple console application, source code
is provided below to anyone willing to integrate it in a more
palatable user interface. You may also use Michael Heidemann
LETGUI front-end (highly recommended!).
package, including program for Windows, documentation,
source files (Visual C++ 6.0), sample files.
V1.0: Pre-release
V1.1: First release
V1.2: New options
-x++..-z-- are similar to -x+..-z-,
but use an offset parameter to be able to use any plane
in main directions, not just origin planes.
inverts direction of split. No need to invert winding
of elements in splitter file. This is active also for
main plane splits, so -i -x+
is the same as -x-
options deletes nothing. This allows to snap elements
of a file to splitter plane(s). Warning: splitter
planes are infinite, so snapping may occur in areas
far form the area you want to modify!
The input file may contain any LDraw
type. Primitives and subfiles are ignored unless SymSplitter
is told to inline them.
Prepare the splitter file, defining
splitting planes as triangles or quads. Alternately the
splitting planes can be defined by command lines options
(only for main x/y/z planes)
Launch a command prompt
Type the command line: SymSplitter
[options] Infile, [SplitterFile] Outfile. SymSplitter
will create Outfile, containing the elements separated and/or
cut by the planes. Note that if file Outfile exists it will
be overwritten without warning.
Here is a screen shot of a sample run:

How SymSplitter
Sorting out

This is the simplest purpose of SymSplitter: separate
a symmetrical part into its central area that will
be included in the main part file, and one side
section that will be subfiled and mirrored to form
both sides. The example comes from LEGO Universe
Team data of part 47406. After a lot of primitive
substitution and adjustment of quads/triangles to
match them, I had the following file (left) with
middle and one side completed. Simple use of SymSplitter with coloring
shows (right) what will become center section and
side subpart. We shall separate by the plane z=0
and keep z<0 data. Since this separation occurs
in one of the main cartesian planes, there is no
need to provide a splitting file and we'll use -z-
option (meaning split by z=0 plane, keep z<0.
-z+ would be used to keep z>0, -x- or -y+ are
similar for x=0 and z=0 planes).
Command line:
SymSplitter -z- -c 47406-ssp.dat 47406-col.dat

We may now do the separation itself.
Using -dn parameter deletes everything that is not
in the middle section, while -di -da leaves only
the side. Note that though they are not centered,
studs are included in middle section to avoid stud
mirroring issues.
Command line:
SymSplitter -z- -dn 47406-ssp.dat 47406-mid.dat
SymSplitter -z- -di -da 47406-ssp.dat 47406-side.dat

We now check wether the middle area is self-symmetrical,
using -v option. It appears that a small area is
not, showing pink and bright green. After closer
analysis it turns out that it is caused by minor
rounding errors. Increase precision threshold to
0.01 removes the warning. Default value for precision
is 0.001.
Note that -v has its limitations: primitives
or subfiles are not verified (you may try to inline
them for the check using -s option), and it is possible
that quads/triangles forms a self-symmetrical shape
while each component is not.
Command line: SymSplitter -z- -v 47406-mid.dat 47406-ver.dat
SymSplitter -z- -v -p 0.01 47406-mid.dat 47406-vok.dat |

The trimming usage of SymSplitter
was the first I tested "in real life".
Tire part ref. 32003 had been on Parts Tracker for
a long time, the subpart was created a tad too large
and the segments overlapped each other, preventing
proper use of conditional lines between subparts.
A splitter file was created with two triangles defining
planes with an angle of 10° (the tire has 36
segments). Note the orientation of the planes, "red"
faces inside the V shape. It was applied to the
32003a subfile with increasing precision threshold
values. For p = 0.1 the elements of the subpart
properly snapped to the splitting planes - the issue
was corrected, without actually cutting anything.
Important warning:
snapping feature can produce non-planar quads, or
even gaps if initial parts contains T-junctions.
Check carefully!
Command line: SymSplitter -p 0.1 32003a.dat 32003sep.dat 32003aok.dat
Mesh splitting

Meshes created with a 3D scanner, such as my
NXT based one,
laserscanner, often need to be cut in half,
or modified to get a true flat base plane. Intersector can
do the job, but often tiny triangle remains because
of vertices very close (but not on) the cutting
plane. Using the plane snapping feature of SymSplitter with a rather
high precision threshold can help (sometimes you
don't need to cut anything at all!)
The example above shows how to form a flat base
plane under the frog mesh acquired with my NXT
based scanner. As threshold is increased, more
and more vertices get attracted onto the plane y=0.
Yellow elements intersect the base plane. For p=0.3
you get a flat base, nothing crosses the plane.
Of course p should remain low enough to prevent
too much deformations.
Command line: SymSplitter -c -y- -p 0.25 frog.dat frogp0.25.dat
SymSplitter -c -y- -p 0.3 frog.dat frogp0.3.dat

To split the frog you'll need to cut elements
to get a clean result. Specifying a higher threshold
gets rid of tiny triangles and reduces the number
of cut elements.
The example above shows the area near the frog
head and the simplification as p is increased from
0 to 0.3.
Command line: SymSplitter -ca -x+ -p 0 frog.dat frogxp0.dat
SymSplitter -ca -x+ -p 0.3 frog.dat frogxp0.3.dat
