a LDraw path extruder

PathTruder utility
allows to create a surface by extrusion of a shape along a path.
The path is defined as two sets of lines, provided to PathTruder
as two LDraw files. The shape, also a set of lines,
is the third required input file. The fist segment in shape
file (in red in the image above) defines how the shape file
is attached to the path, one extremity is applied onto the first
line, the other onto the second line.
can be considered as a variant of Coverer,
not restricted to straight junction of sheet. Though it has
many more possibilities, it also has some restrictions - for
example Coverer allows the two path lines to have a different
number of segments. Another difference is that PathTruder
doesn't cerate conditional lines. You'll have to
use Edger2
for that.
It is a simple console application, source code
is provided below to anyone willing to integrate it in a more
palatable user interface. You may also use Michael Heidemann
front-end (highly recommended!).
package, including program for Windows, documentation,
source files (Visual C++ 6.0), sample files.

V1.0: Initial release
V1.1: Transition curve purely linear
for -ts 1 instead of approximation.
V1.2: Added -e option for a better
control of direction of start and end section of the generated
sheet, added -i option to invert the curvature of generated
shape when it appears inside out, increased threshold to
avoid creation of degenerated surface elements.
Prepare the two LDraw path files.
PathTruder uses only lines
of input files (line type 2). Other LDraw line types are
ignored. If you want to extrude surface between edge primitives,
they must be inlined down to lines. LDDesignPad or Inliner
do this very conveniently. For best results,
the lines forming the paths must be connected end to end
without gaps. They may form a close loop. Order of lines
in file doesn't matter since they are sorted before use.
Prepare the LDraw shape file. This
file is also composed of LDraw lines (line type 2). Other
LDraw line types are ignored. The first line of the shape
is special as it defines where the shape attaches to the
path lines. This first line MUST reside in the XY plane
for proper results, and in most applications the whole shape
file will be defined in that plane.
Launch a command prompt
For basic use, type in the command
line: Pathtruder -p1 LdrawPathFile1 -p2 LdrawPathFile2 -s1
LdrawShapeFile LdrawExtrudedFileOut. PathTruder
will create LdrawExtrudedFileOut containing the surface.
Note that if file LdrawExtrudedFileOut exists it will be
overwritten without warning.
The full syntax, with all options,
is: Pathtruder -p1 LdrawPathFile1 -p2 LdrawPathFile2 -s1
LdrawShapeFile1 [-s2 LdrawShapeFile2] [-tn <number>]
[-ts <slope>] [-tp <position>] [-c <crease
angle>] [-a] [-ra <rotation angle>] [-rs <slope>]
[-rp <position>] [-l <length>] LdrawExtrudedFileOut
- -p1 <LDraw path file 1> defines the main path
- -p2 <LDraw path file 2> defines the secondary
- -s1 <LDraw shape file 1> defines the shape
to be swept along the path
- -s2 <LDraw shape file 2> defines the ending
shape. If -s1 and -s2 are defined, the shape is progressively
morphed between these shapes along the path. This
transition can be controlled with -t options:
- -tn <number> sets the number of transitions
from shape1 to shape2 and vice versa. 1 (default) sweeps
from s1 to s2, 2 from s1 to s2 then back to s1, and
so on.
- -ts <slope> controls transition curve, from
1 (linear) to 10 (s-shape, default) to 100 (step)
- -tp <position> controls transition curve centering. 0
<= position <= 1. Default is 0.5, centered
- -e Use path start and end segments to define orientation
of corresponding extruded section
- -i Invert curvature of shape
- -c <crease angle> If path has a sharper angle,
a line is created at the junction. Default is 180°
(no line). Use a negative value to force line creation.
- -a When specified, shape is elongated to compensate
for flattening at sharp path angles. Default is
no compensation.
- -r <rotation angle> specifies rotation of
shape direction vector around path1 as it sweeps
along the path. Default is 0°.
- -l <length> define maximum path segment length.
Longer segments are split
outputs file with 6 digits after decimal point, this precision
is excessive for most usages and values should be rounded.
does that very well.
Here is a screen shot of a sample run:

How PathTruder
- Input files are parsed. Lines (type 2) of each files
are stored into arrays. Path files are sorted. If only one
shape is specified, it is copied to the other to simplify
- if -l <length> option is specified, path
lines longer than <length> are split. The same number
of splits is applied to both files to keep number of segments
- Shape files are normalized. They are scaled and rotated
in XY plane so that direction vector (first line in shape
file) is transformed into vector (0, 1, 0). Of course this
means that direction vector must have a length > 0.
- Extrusion is then performed. As we move along path lines,
we do the following steps at each path vertex:
- First the shape at that point is calculated. It
is an average between shape1 and shape2, weighted by
a S-shape function.
- For each point pair in path, a local basis is calculated.
Y vector is defined between matching points of path
files. An average path normal is obtained from position
of path points before and after, and Z vector is calculated
as the cross product of this normal with Y vector. Finally,
X vector is Y x Z.
- This local basis is scaled so that Y vector has
a length equal to point pair distance.
- Coordinates of the shape points are calculated,
from this local basis and the averaged shape.
- If the path make an angle greater than -c
crease angle, the lines of the local shape are sent
to the output file
- Quads joining each shape line to matching line from
previous path point are then considered. If the quad
is planar enough and not degenerated, it is sent to
output files, otherwise triangles are used. In the special
case where line length is null in both shape1 and shape2
inputs, a line is created.
Tips and examples:

The first line of the shape is special
as it defines where the shape attaches to the path
lines. This first line (the shape direction vector)
MUST reside in the XY plane for proper results,
and in most applications the whole shape file will
be defined in that plane (exception to that rule
occur for spiral shapes, see example below).
See file: 1shape1.dat |

First point of shape direction vector is applied
on path1 line, second point of shape direction vector
is applied on path2 line.
Command line: PathTruder -p1 1path1.dat -p2 1path2.dat -s1 1shape1.dat 1result.dat

The path lines need not be parallel, they may
even meet at end points.
Command line: PathTruder -p1 2path1.dat -p2 2path2.dat -s1 2shape1.dat 2result.dat

Path may form one closed loop. It is important
in that case that there is no extraneous line outside
the loop (otherwise the sorting algorithm would
Command line: PathTruder -p1 2loopath1.dat -p2 2loopath2.dat -s1 2shape1.dat 2loopresult.dat

Orientation of segments in shape file is important
(a segment should end where the next starts): orientation
of generated facets depends of that. MLCad "Swap"
button (in line editing window) can help correcting
Command line: PathTruder -p1 2path1.dat -p2 2path2.dat -s1 2badbfcshape1.dat 2badbfcresult.dat

When two shape files are specified, a morphing
is done between these two shapes as we sweep along
the path. Here 3shape2 is obtained from 3shape1
by flattening it.
Command line: PathTruder -p1 3path1.dat -p2 3path2.dat -s1 3shape1.dat -s2 3shape2.dat 3result.dat

We can control the speed of transition with -ts
parameter. This one can vary from 1 (linear transition)
to 10 (S-shape transition, default value) to 100
and more (steep transition).
Command line:
PathTruder -p1 3path1.dat -p2 3path2.dat -s1 3shape1.dat -s2 3shape2.dat -ts 1 3resulta.dat
PathTruder -p1 3path1.dat -p2 3path2.dat -s1 3shape1.dat -s2 3shape2.dat -ts 10 3resultb.dat
PathTruder -p1 3path1.dat -p2 3path2.dat -s1 3shape1.dat -s2 3shape2.dat -ts 100 3resultc.dat

The -tp parameter controls the position of the
transition. Defaut value is 0.5
Command line:
PathTruder -p1 3path1.dat -p2 3path2.dat -s1 3shape1.dat -s2 3shape2.dat -tp 0.2 3resultd.dat
PathTruder -p1 3path1.dat -p2 3path2.dat -s1 3shape1.dat -s2 3shape2.dat -tp 0.5 3resulte.dat
PathTruder -p1 3path1.dat -p2 3path2.dat -s1 3shape1.dat -s2 3shape2.dat -tp 0.8 3resultf.dat
files: 3resultd.dat, 3resulte.dat, 3resultf.dat

The -tn parameter controls the number of transition
between shape 1 and shape 2. Defaut value is 1 (morphing
from shape 1 to shape 2). -tn 2 will go from shape
1 to shape 2 and back, and so on. Note that compared
to previous example shape files were swapped to
start "flat"
Command line:
PathTruder -p1 3path1.dat -p2 3path2.dat -s1 3shape2.dat -s2 3shape1.dat -tn 1 3resultg.dat
PathTruder -p1 3path1.dat -p2 3path2.dat -s1 3shape2.dat -s2 3shape1.dat -tn 2 3resulth.dat
PathTruder -p1 3path1.dat -p2 3path2.dat -s1 3shape2.dat -s2 3shape1.dat -tn 4 3resulti.dat
files: 3resultg.dat, 3resulth.dat, 3resulti.dat

The -c parameter controls the path angle above
which a line is inserted at the junction between
surfaces. Default is 180° (never insert line).
You may use a negative value to force line insertion,
regardless of path angle.
Command line:
PathTruder -p1 4path1.dat -p2 4path2.dat -s1 4shape1.dat -c 180 4resulta.dat
PathTruder -p1 4path1.dat -p2 4path2.dat -s1 4shape1.dat -c 90 4resultb.dat
PathTruder -p1 4path1.dat -p2 4path2.dat -s1 4shape1.dat -c 10 4resultc.dat

If you look at the left image above, you will
see that external envelope is not parallel to the
path. This is because of the steep path angle, causing
an apparent flattening of the shape (length of triangle
side is shorter than hypotenuse...). The -a switch
causes a shape enlargement to compensate for this
Command line:
PathTruder -p1 4path1.dat -p2 4path2.dat -s1 4shape1.dat 4resultd.dat
PathTruder -p1 4path1.dat -p2 4path2.dat -s1 4shape1.dat -a 4resulte.dat

You may also control if and where lines should
be created along extrusion. To do that, you insert
a null length segment in the shape file (if two
shape files are specified, a null length segment
must exist in both files).
Command line:
PathTruder -p1 5path1.dat -p2 5path2.dat -s1 5shape1.dat 5result.dat

The -l parameter allows to refine a path by limiting
the maximum length of line segments. Lines longer
than specified length will be split in equal-length
Command line:
PathTruder -p1 3path1.dat -p2 3path2.dat -s1 3shape2.dat -s2 3shape1.dat -tn 4 3resulti.dat
PathTruder -p1 3path1.dat -p2 3path2.dat -s1 3shape2.dat -s2 3shape1.dat -tn 4 -l 2 3resultj.dat

With the -r parameter, you instruct PathTruder
to rotate the direction vector during the sweep,
to allow creation of spiral and twisted shapes.
The shape above could be the basis of the modelling
of Barbed
Wire Coil for which I added this feature...
Command line:
PathTruder -p1 6path1.dat -p2 6path2.dat -s1 6shape1.dat -r 360 6result.dat

Another example (courtesy of JC Tchang) using
the -r parameter: creation of string sections. Old
LEGO strings (1980) have about a 0.8mm diameter
(2ldu), modern ones are 0.6mm (1.5ldu), and are
composed of three braided threads. In command line,
-r parameter must be followed by torsion angle (here
360°, one full turn). In this example path lines
are 6ldu long and spaced 1ldu for '80s version,
0.75 ldu for recent cables. A smaller value of l
parameter improve result quality but increase file
size. Anyway files tend to be big and it's better
to create only short string segments.
Command line (old string):
PathTruder -p1 string_p1a.dat -p2 string_p2a.dat -s1 string_sec.dat -r 360 -l 0.5 string_l05_r360.dat
Command line (recent string):
PathTruder -p1 string_p1a.dat -p2 string_p2b.dat -s1 string_sec.dat -r 360 -l 0.5 string_l05_r360.dat

It is easy to create surface of revolution with
PathTruder. As path lines, choose two parallel circles
with radius R, distant from D. The shape direction
vector must be of length D to avoid scaling. Then
the distance between part of the shape that will
become surface axis and the direction vector must
be D.
Command line:
PathTruder -p1 7path1.dat -p2 7path2.dat -s1 7shape1.dat 7result.dat

Proper orientation of generated sheet depends
on the way you have created the shape file and on
the direction of path files. If the result you get
seems inside out, use -i option to invert curvature
of the shape file (new in version 1.2).
Command line:
PathTruder -p1 7path1a.dat -p2 7patha2.dat -s1 7shape1.dat 7resulta.dat
PathTruder -p1 7path1a.dat -p2 7patha2.dat -s1 7shape1.dat -i 7resultb.dat

Using the multiple shape transition, it is easy
to create corrugated tubes that follow path lines.
Here the shapes are identical circles, but since
the size of the direction vector is different, we
get alternating shrinking/dilatation. You may play
with the -tp and -ts shape transition parameters
to get the desired result. -l length parameter can
help split the path lines to get enough resolution.
Command line:
PathTruder -p1 8path1.dat -p2 8path2.dat -s1 8shape1.dat -s2 8shape2.dat -l 2 -tn 24 8result.dat

A back and forth transition between two shapes
can create this nice boat hull. Now I have to admit
that tweaking parameters to match a real part can
be... tricky!
Command line:
PathTruder -p1 9path1.dat -p2 9path2.dat -s1 9shape1.dat -s2 9shape2.dat -tn 2 9result.dat

PathTruder can also create springs, thanks to
its -r option. Using -l option to split lines, each
path file can be a single segment. The smaller the
-l parameter, the finer the result will look - and
the bigger resulting file will be! At the opposite
to most uses, the shape must be at an angle with
direction vector. If R is spring diameter, L the
length of the spring, n the number of turns, the
angle of shape plane with direction vector should
be A = atan(n*2*PI*R/L).
Command line:
PathTruder -p1 10path1.dat -p2 10path2.dat -s1 10shape1.dat -r 900 -l 0.5 10result.dat

The -e "endings" option enables a better
control of the end section of the generated sheet.
To use it, you must add "tail" segments
at both ends of path files. The start of extruded
sheet will be perpendicular to the plane defined
by these tails. In this example it is used to create
a surface that meets a plane.
Command line:
PathTruder.exe -p1 11path1.dat -p2 11path2.dat -s1 1shape1.dat -e 11result.dat
PathTruder.exe -p1 11path1e.dat -p2 11path2e.dat -s1 1shape1.dat -e 11resulte.dat

You may also use -e to ease joining of several
sections of PathTruder work.
Command line:
PathTruder.exe -p1 12path1.dat -p2 12path2.dat -s1 12shape1.dat -s2 12shape2.dat -e -i 12result1.dat
PathTruder.exe -p1 12path3.dat -p2 12path4.dat -s1 12shape3.dat -s2 12shape2.dat -e 12result2.dat
