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Parts packs for Studio 2.0 These packs are made from LDraw parts, edited
in Studio part designer to add connectivity and collision information.
More details about custom parts in Studio forum. Note that some of these packs may not be up to date: since I created them, some parts have been included in Studio master library. Of course, in this case, it's better to use official parts. I was asked if I could provide a parts pack containing Fabuland people available in LDraw library. Here is the result! It contains all available Fabuland heads and torsos, allowing to build custom figures. Technic related parts, 1Q 2024 This pack includes Technic-related parts appeared in 1st quarter of 2024, not yet included in other packs or in Studio. New parts include the ornithopter blade, Kawasaki panels, windscreen and engine, orrery half spheres and more! This pack includes Technic figure related parts. Note that some of them (foot, seat) are already in Studio, but I had to include them with a different name (a or b suffix) to be able to provide correct connectivity. Technic related parts, 2H 2023 This pack includes Technic-related
parts appeared in 2nd half of 2023, essentially from sets 42146 Liebherr
crane (truss, weight and spool) and 42159 Yamaha bike (gearbox
parts and yellow shock absorber). This pack contains Znap parts missing from Studio Library. Thanks to Staffan Ihl, who gathered these parts and created the connectivity. As Studio has no suitable connection type for the special Znap Znap attachment, a Technic axle connexion was used. Make sure to push the parts all the way in! Technic related parts, 2Q 2023 This pack includes Technic-related
parts appeared in 2nd quarter of 2023, not yet included in other packs
or in Studio. New parts include the Ford GT wheel arches headlight
panels and tranmission bar, and the Technic ring 15 and its
matching panel Technic related parts, 1Q 2023 This pack includes Technic-related parts appeared in 1st quarter of 2023, not yet included in other packs or in Studio. New parts include the very small panels, 7L flip-flop beam and Bugatti wheel arches. Also contains some older parts not yet in Studio, helicopter rotor swashplate and Gear 20 tooth with clutch. Technic related parts, 1H 2022 This pack includes Technic-related
parts appeared in 1st half of 2022, not yet included in other packs.
Contains MBW motorrad new parts, sloped panels, 19L frame and
Z12/Z20 straight gears.
Technic related parts, 2H 2021 This pack includes Technic-related parts appeared in 2021, not yet included in other packs. Contains Zetros tire, alternating holes beam 11L, CV joint with sliding axle, large tread link, escalator link, pin long with stop, circular beam and ring with axle holes. Includes Spike Essential hub, small angular motors, LED matrix, small wheel with integral tire, pin with stud tube, eye tile... and a dog! The flex hoses are there too, but you'll need an external tool (eg. LDCad) to bend them! You'll also find here a LDCad template packs to create flexible cables and hoses! I got a request for 42114 Concrete Mixer shell... Here it is! This is a major refresh of my previous Duplo parts pack (still available here if for some reason you need it). It contains about three times more parts, though despite a big effort of LDraw part authors many parts are still missing. Caveats: Includes Spike Prime hub, medium and large angular motors, color, force and distance sensors, castor wheel and "maker plate" from 45681 expansion set. This pack is a cleanup of my previous release, removing all parts now included in official Studio distribution. You'll also find here a LDCad template packs to create flexible cables and hoses! In case anyone needs it for some compatibility reasons, my original Spike Prime pack is still available here. Includes BuWizz 2.0 (4 x Power Functions ports hub), BuWizz 3.0 Pro (4 x Powered Up + 2 x Power Functions ports hub), BuWizz motor (fixed and customizable axle versions), Power Functions and Powered Up plugs. Renewable Energy Add-On set (9688) Includes solar panel, energy meter and its battery, Power Functions Led lamp and middle box, Power Functions plugs (both types) and NXT/EV3 RJ plug. Note that E-motor and propeller blade are in standard Studio library. Mickey and Donald minifig heads parts Includes Mickey/Minnie/Donald/Daisy heads and their accessories. Note that pillbox Minnie hat is in Studio standard distribution. Includes spring-loaded legs, long arms with fixed hands and special torso with arm locking notch. Includes Robot Inventor hub, arrow launcher, medium angular motor, color and distance sensors, smooth wheel, Mindstorms sticker and Powered Up plugs
WeDo Robotics Construction Set (set 9580) Includes USB hub, Power Functions distance and tilt sensors, minifig heads included in that set and Power Functions plugs
Includes pneumatic parts (cylinders and pumps) as separate elements, allowing length adjustment. Also contains the pneumatic switches in left/middle/right positions. Control+ elements parts pack
(+some recent Technic parts) Includes actuators parts as separate elements, allowing length adjustment.
Includes Geekservo servomotors and motors, mechanically compatible with LEGO, Circuit Cubes Cubit motor, and CADA micro motor