visit to 
I was in Germany this summer, less than 100 km away from
Günzburg. Impossible not to visit the new LEGOLAND®
Deutschland park... and of course I carried along my camera!
Panoramic view
of the park


LEGOLAND panorama (Java VR)
Panorama, shot from the Legotop tower. I used
this tower as a big motorized panoramic head, shooting
photos as it spinned. Of course as my camera rotated
a few meters away from its nodal point, I had some
troubles stitching it! You can see the panorama
as a flat image here.
As you can see, there is room around the park
for future extensions... |
Einstein's head


Eye & Moustache details
Ein Stein + ein Stein + .... + ein
Stein = Einstein ! (in German, "a brick"
is called "ein Stein")
You can't miss this monumental sculpture at the
entrance of LEGO® Akademie. Using the same brick
size, a much greater smoothness could have been
achieved, but keeping blocky look of LEGO was clearly
deliberate. Moustache and eyebrow structure is more
detailed, and pupil of the eye, sideway mounted,
is even more delicate.
This sculpture counts for a sizeable part of
all bricks used in the park. |

Miniland is the heart of LEGOLAND,
here the LEGO lover will get inspiration from lots
of buildings and vehicules. Distinctive features
of several European towns are modelled with LEGO
bricks. Country choice reflects expected visitors
origin: Germany with Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich,
Italy with Venice, as well as Netherlands and Switzerland. |

All over the park you meet LEGO
sculptures and mosaics. Some of them are built with
Duplo bricks (the giraffe, or the lion whose mane
is done with Duplo monkeys...). All outdoor constructions
are glued and varnished, indoor ones are only glued.
But why doesn't LEGO sell sets of the smallest
sculptures as park specials? I'm sure this cute
baby tiger would be a big hit ! |
Technic Sculptures
LEGO Fabrik

LEGO Fabrik
In LEGO Fabrik, you get an idea
of the manufacture of LEGO bricks, from ABS raw
material to finished products on shelves (I whish
I have that many bricks !!!). Some equipments are
true machines (for example the injection press -
but it was not working while I was there) while
others, such as the minifig product line are fakes. |
Stamping machine
This machine is used to stamp Fabrik logo on
the bricks you are given as a souvenir at the end
of the visit. |
 First Think, Then
This poster on a wall of LEGO Fabrik,
shows one problem I came across in the park: everything
is in German, not a word in English (nor French
or Italian...).
But though my German is very rusty,
I had little understanding problems. And the introductory
film shown at the Fabrik needed no translation:
it was silent... |
LEGOLAND Model Builders

Builders Workshop  Hazardous
area ?
At the exit of the LEGO Fabrik, there is a workshop
where builders create the models and sculptures
that will be used in the park. Seems to be a nice
job, but maybe a little hasardous: look at the hand
of the builder ;o) |
The Millipede Project
Attractions, etc...

Attractions and
And as in every park, there are
attractions... not the part I preferred, but you
can have some fun with them, and you will discover
a few sculptures, such as the stegosaurus
at the Big Splash.
This section also contains a few photographs
that didn't fit elsewhere. |
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also LEGOLAND Deutschland
page. Many names or terms used in this
page are trademarks of LEGO. Some material may
be © LEGO. |